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Systems Thinking Mindset

Updated: Nov 28, 2018


This mindset really focuses on the 'what' of a situation. "What is going on?" is a question one would frequently ask and along with that, look at the bigger picture as a whole to make actual and effective change. Asking multiple questions brings a different light to the situation at hand.

Personal Development Overview

A systems thinking mindset is essential when working in a team setting. I would honestly say that I was not one to look at the 'bigger picture' but instead, I would focus on the task at hand. I was more in-the-now and 'ask questions later' type of person. But through various experiences, it is clear to me that asking the difficult questions is what pushes your forward. It makes it easier in the long run to try and look at the situation as a whole and what the end result could and would be.

Personal Development Reflection

Just going through experiences as a student at college, I believe one needs to develop a systems thinking mindset. As you progress through your courses over the semester, you need to think of the bigger picture. You need to ask 'what is the end goal?' or 'what do I want to learn from this course?'. It is these questions that I believe kept me determined and focuses. My first semester I was taking it day by day, and I found myself losing interest in my courses. I became complacent and I forgot about my goals: to achieve better understanding of the subject.


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