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Summarize: StrengthFinder Focus and on Adaptability and Summary: MBTI Letter E

Being adaptable is a very helpful skill in every aspect of an individual's life. It enables one to be more flexible in various situations and also to change along with the environment. Adaptable people are very in the moment, and do not get stuck in the past. They alter their attitudes and skills to match their surroundings, making them more advantageous to others. It is easier for adaptable individuals to become familiar and comfortable with a new environment as well, allowing them to work better and be happier. They are able to adopt the new rules and norms quickly as well. 


Summarizing the MBTI Letter E can be difficult. The extraverted attribute that many have is an early indicator of that person's behavior and personality. Being extraverted allows people to go out and be independent. They thrive when around people. Extraverted people harness their energy from other people as they are very sociable. This quality enables them to aggravate people towards them, it gives them a type of admirable confidence, which is what makes a good leader. People will want to follow an individual who thrives in a crowd and is able to make good connects and be heard. 


Personalize: StrengthFinder Focus on Adaptability: 


Being adaptable is a very important quality for me to have. I do admit that I am usually afraid of change, and I like sticking to a pattern that I know works for me. But I know that is not how the world works. I had to make a huge change when I came to the United States to study. Being an international student, I had to adapt to living in the U.S. with my family over 8,000 miles away. I do believe this gave me an edge, however. This change, and my ability to adapt to my new environment just showed me what I am capable of. I know now that I can take care of myself, I am confident I will be able to adjust to new places, to new surroundings in the future. Every place is different, and it is important to change alongside the world, otherwise people get stuck in the past. 






Being extraverted is connected to being adaptable. I believe you need to be comfortable in social situations, because that is an important way of adapting to new surroundings. It would be that much harder to adapt if one was more introverted. Being able to go out and meet new people and experiencing new things is key to adapting to a new environment. The attributes are tied together. Being easy going and being spontaneous complements the extraverted attribute in an individual. 


It is interesting to think of yourself as adaptable but strategic at the same time. I would say I am a healthy mix of the two. I do like to plan certain things ahead of time, and I admit, I do not enjoy surprises. I like expecting things. But at the same time, I'm not afraid to 'go with the flow' and see the situation unfold with time. I always think it is silly to worry about something in the distant future.


These two thinking frames do collide with one another at times, and I find myself with this internal struggle. This makes me very indecisive at times. So I am still trying to figure myself out. 

Here I have attached my:












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