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More  About Me

My name is Lamia Ahmed, and I am an international student from Karachi, Pakistan. I have been blessed to be provided the opportunity to come and study at the prestigious Texas A&M University. I am a University Studies in Business major with a double minor in Communications and Economics. I have really enjoyed gaining a complete and holistic education through this major. 


There is definitely more to me that my major and my academic work. My interests include traveling and art. I would say these two things really help define me and are a big part of my character. I have traveled to over 33 countries and over 72 cities; these experiences contributed to shaping my person and providing me with unique experiences that have really helped me grow. 


As you may have seen, my website follows a theme of travel. Learning about new cultures and peoples expanded my global mindset and provided me with a unique understanding of the world. 


I have further outlined my interests in the Flying Kites section. I have detailed my personal, professional and social goals and I have included some of my interests and hobbies, such as art. 


Click on the Flying Kites button to read more!

The Red Square, Moscow, Russia
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