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Enterpreneural Mindset

Definition: A way of thinking; you are curious about something and are always thinking of how it can be done better or how it can go on to the next step. You see the opportunity in thinks, and not just the challenges.

Which teams or environmental factors contribute to this outcome?

I think having a supportive team would contribute to this outcome. Simply because having that support would encourage one to go and move forward to the next step. To engage in that curiosity and take advantage of the opportunities that are available to you. I also think having a somewhat competitive environment would contribute as well, simply because it would drive the individual with the entrepreneurial mindset to take hold of the opportunities.

Which factors are most important (they have the most direct connection to the outcome)?

Being positive is key in having this particular mindset. Simply because you cannot let failure bring you down. Failure is something that everyone needs to experience, just because it pushes you and drives you forward. Like I mentioned, having a strong support group in important, so you have someone to lean on when things get a bit tough. It is always good to have someone on your side on not be alone.

Which factors are most impacted by the outcome? What changes as a result of an impact to this factor?

An individual’s drive and passion to do things is impacted by this. This mindset it a way of thinking, and it just does not apply in a professional environment but also in daily life. Being curious about things, always asking ‘what if’ allows one to experience things that they would never experience otherwise.

Personal Development Overview

I would say part of me had always had a curious mind, but I definitely feel like I grew into the Entrepreneurial mindset after my sophomore year at college. Being an international student, I learned to see all the opportunities I was privileged enough to be given. Coming to this school, and gaining experience living abroad, I had to ensure I made the most of it. I joined various organisations, took different classes, simply because I was curious to see and learn what I could. I have had many ups and downs in the past three years that I have been here, but I learned that I have to manage a positive attitude throughout. Failure is something that I had to go through, so I knew what it feels like to not put in 100% of myself. I know I cannot let failure bring me down, otherwise I would simply be stuck in a rut, letting opportunities and experiences pass me by. I know I had to have a strong support system, where I could count on someone to pick me up again, or to simply be straightforward with me.

Personal Development Reflection

The one person that really helped me develop this mindset was my advisor for my organization. She was always straightforward and always told me like it is. She would tell me that I need to be more curious, especially since there are so many opportunities that I can take advantage of. Her talks with me made me realize that I am so privileged to be here, and I cannot let my failure stop me. I need to learn to take advantage of failure itself and be able to pick myself up and try that much harder. It is important to maintain a positive perspective while persevering in the face of unexpected challenges. Moving forward, I would make sure to think of how I can make things better and how I can improve myself in team building situations.


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