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Ethical Mindset


Always thinking of how your actions have consequences. You reflect on how you have duties and responsibilities, and you must carry them out in a way that does not affect others negatively. You are very aware of the effect of your actions.

Which teams or environmental factors contribute to this outcome?

It it important to have your own core values that you will not compromise no matter what. I believe this really sets your character and allows you to explore situations without fearing that you will do something you regret. You need to have principles and your code of right and wrong. Everyone has a different yardstick by which they measure the right or wrong.

Which factors are most important (they have the most direct connection to the outcome)?

This essentially depends on the environment that you were brought up in. Your upbringing can really set your ethical standard, as would your experiences in life. These experiences help you learn and grow and shape your character.

The people you work with is also very important. One should surround themselves with people with similar ethical standards. If not, it is easy to get influenced or peer pressured into things you are not comfortable doing.

Which factors are most impacted by the outcome? What changes as a result of an impact to this factor?

Your own output is affected. If you surround yourself with people who share your values and ethical standards, you will have a healthy working environment and will perform better.

Personal Overview:

Coming to college really helped me thinking more about my actions. Being away from home and away from my parents, I really started becoming my own person, and going through experiences where my personal ethics were tested. My first year of college was tricky, and I admit that I did modify my ethics, since I was in a different culture here than at home.


I never paid a lot of attention to this way of thinking simply because I feel like I did not have to really sit and think about it. Ethics can be easy sometimes, when it is easy to categorize situations as right or wrong. But since I got to college, it has definitely developed. I am making decisions on my own here, and my actions will have consequences, whether they be good or bad. So I think since the time I became responsible for myself, since my parents trusted me to travel abroad to study, I have had to be more careful in thinking of who I want to be independent of what they want me to be. What are my values and my code of ethics.

I am still developing this mindset. You can be placed in situations where you feel like you can be convinced easily. So that is one place where I am trying to improve. I can be a ‘pushover’ sometimes, to please people or to do more of what is expected of me. I have started to stand my ground more and learned to say ‘No, I do not believe this is the right way to go’. And hopefully, I continue to grow and develop this mindset, as it affects not only my life professionally, but personally as well. This mindset affects how people view me as a person and they base their judgement of my character based on my ethical standards.


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