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Weekly Reflection #2

Summer of 2017
Budapest, Hungary

Wow, I don't even think I noticed this week go by. The 'storm' of deadlines I mentioned last week came in strong. I had a mountain of work this weekend, and I honestly FEEL like I was studying a ton, when I take a look at my To-Do list, not much was done. 

This past week I really spent some time with my roommate. We were very close my sophomore year, but our junior year we couldn't seem to spend too much time together because of very different schedules. It was nice to just sit at the kitchen counter and talk for hours. 

Other than that, I did end up joining that Spin Class thats offered at the Rec. It has been a year since I told myself that I would join that class, so there was a mix of satisfaction and instant regret when I finally signed up. 

This week also brought with it the reminders of a fast-approaching Career Fair. Being a senior and not having been to a single Career Fair may be a bit weird, but I do plan on going to this one if I want to find a job after college. I have been busy practicing my interview skills and spending a chunk of my time reading up on The Economist articles instead of my Marketing textbook. 

I also had lunch with a friend of mine from my FLO. She was my freshman, under my subcommittee last year and it was nice to catch up. I do think I may have had some of an impact just because we were talking about her study abroad for her major, and I just gave some helpful tips here and there. So maybe not a very big impact, but I think helping out in even a tiny way is impactful. 


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